One thing is that when you're searching for a student loan you may find that you will need a cosigner. There are many conditions where this is true because you could find that you do not have a past credit rating so the loan provider will require that you have someone cosign the borrowed funds for you. Thanks for your post.
Gorgeous card Ane. Love the image and the colours you've used. Thanks for trying my sketch and joining us this week at PFP. Hugs Michele x
SvarSlettbeautiful card Ane
SvarSlettthanks for joining us at PfP this week and good luck
Hei Anne, så utrolig skjønt kort du har laget! Herlige farger også, takk for at du er med på PfP sin utfordring!! :)
SvarSlettKlem Ida
Hi Ane, what a cute card. I love the image and the papers are gorgeous. Thanks for joining us at PFP this week. Hugs, Denise x
SvarSlettStunning card, thanks for joining us at pfp.
Caryn xxx
Gorgeous card Ane, I love the colours you have used
SvarSlettThanks for joining in at PFP this week :)
Gina xxx
I love the card Ane. Thanks for playing along at PfP this week.
SvarSlettSam xx
A beautiful card, thanks for joining us at PFP.
flotte farger og sammensetning!
SvarSlettÅhh...flott!!! Digga oppsettninga på kortet ditt:) Funka kjempe godt:)
SvarSlettAne this is gorgeous thank you for joining us at PFP this week Sue :o)
SvarSlettOne thing is that when you're searching for a student loan you may find that you will need a cosigner. There are many conditions where this is true because you could find that you do not have a past credit rating so the loan provider will require that you have someone cosign the borrowed funds for you. Thanks for your post.